Home > Groups & Clubs

Groups & Clubs

We host a variety of artistic and community themed regular activities, for the young, senior and in-between. If there is no specific contact details shown below and you'd like more information please CONTACT US.

As well as the regular events below there are a wide variety of one-off events, see our WHAT'S ON page for more information.




New Projects

Please click on the following link to see information about what we hope to be bringing soon as part of our continued development of services for Groups & Clubs: PROJECTS.

drawing and painting



Drawing & Painting Group

A Drawing & Painting Group with a difference. Friendly and enthusiastic amateur artists who meet every Thursday between 10am and midday at the centre. They simply just do their own thing with their artistic endeavours interspersed with lively discussion on a range of subjects. For more information please contact the centre, see details at the bottom of this page.

portrait painters



Portrait Painters

The group meet every other Thursday at 10am to 1pm. An annual subscription is £30 and there is a modest charge for each session. Models always welcome and will be paid £25 per session. If you would like to join or be a sitter please call Moray Welsh at 01969 624619.

dales dance school - ballet



Dales Dance School of Performing Arts

Ballet is the most popular genre for boys and girls and provides a strong foundation for technique. The classes at the centre promote discipline and focus through dance and develop imaginations from an early age through creativity and storytelling. Students begin ballet from 3 years plus in the Foundation Stage class and progress to learning syllabus work from Reception age. All students are given the opportunity to take exams with the Royal Academy of Dance (RAD) and are taught by RAD Registered Teachers. For further details and to register a place, please contact Hannah Smith on 07794 009857 or hannah.dalesdance@gmail.com or see the Dales Dance website using the following link www.dalesdance.com

dales dance school - tap



Dales Dance School of Performing Arts

Tap is a great class for rhythm and music loving children and is lots of fun! Tap classes at the centre begin at 6 years and follow the ISTD syllabus as well as including free work and routines. All our teachers are Registered Members of the Imperial Society of Teachers of Dancing (ISTD). For further details and to register a place, please contact Hannah Smith on 07794 009857 or hannah.dalesdance@gmail.com or see the Dales Dance website using the following link www.dalesdance.com

dales dance school - jazz



Dales Dance School of Performing Arts

Jazz kicks, leaps, turns and jazz hands! Jazz classes at the centre begin at 5 years and follow the ISTD Modern Theatre syllabus as well as including free work and routines. It is the perfect class for children who love to move and have plenty of energy. All our teachers are Registered Members of the Imperial Society of Teachers of Dancing (ISTD). For further details and to register a place, please contact Hannah Smith on 07794 009857 or hannah.dalesdance@gmail.com or see the Dales Dance website using the following link www.dalesdance.com

dales dance school - musical theatre



Dales Dance School of Performing Arts

Musical Theatre is a favourite for children and teenagers of all ages who love to perform. Children study acting, singing and theatre dance with creative tasks, games and script work. Classes at the centre begin from 7 years and are perfect for building confidence and exercising creativity. We have multiple performance opportunities throughout the year. For further details and to register a place, please contact Hannah Smith on 07794 009857 or hannah.dalesdance@gmail.com or see the Dales Dance website using the following link www.dalesdance.com





Meeting at the centre, Brownies is for all girls aged 7 to 10. Being a Brownie is an adventurous journey that girls take with their friends, having incredible experiences together, making brilliant friends and discovering the world around them. Every time they meet up, groups of Brownies learn new skills and take on challenges as they work out what they want to be and do in the future. For more information on what Brownies do, the Brownie Programme and what makes it special, please see the main Girlguiding website using the following link www.girlguiding.org.uk





Guides is for girls aged 10 to 14. Guides challenge themselves and make a difference in their community. Meeting at the centre, the Guide programme is simply what you’ll do as a Guide – from taking part in lots of exciting activities at regular meetings, to special events and trips away. What you do is up to you. You will choose from different badges and awards which will help you learn new skills and try new challenges. You can do some programme independently, and others in small groups of Guides known as Patrols. For more information about the Guide Programme, what activities they can get involved with and what it is like to be a Guide, please see the main Girlguiding website using the following link www.girlguiding.org.uk





Rangers is for all young women aged 14 to 18. Meeting at the centre, Rangers is all about taking action and pushing your boundaries. Travel the world, learn to lead, raise your voice and build an incredible CV. Whatever you want to do, Rangers offers a range of unique opportunities. With a programme designed around your personal development, Rangers is all about gaining valuable, transferable skills and standing up for what you believe in. For more information about Rangers, its programme and to see what others have gained from being a member, see the main Girlguiding website using the following link www.girlguiding.org.uk

community first



Community Anchor

The centre hosts the Leyburn & District Community Anchor Organisation Hub. This hub is one or 23 around North Yorkshire and manages 25 Parish Support Groups in the area. For more information or to request support please contact Community Anchor the Leyburn & District Community Anchor Organisation on 01969 624510 or admin@leyburnartscentre.com

cuppa connect



Staying Healthy, Independent & Connected

This drop-in facility is hosted by the centre. It aims to provide access for people who need advice, guidance and support from specialised providers which includes Leyburn & District Community Support, Citizens Advice, Carers Plus Staying Healthy, Independent & Connected
Yorkshire and others as required, all together at one time and in one location. The very informal drop-in sessions will take place on the 2nd Friday of each month between 10am and 12. No appointments are required and tea and coffee will be available. For more information or to request support please contact the Leyburn & District Staying Healthy, Independent and Connected Organisation on 01969 624510 or admin@leyburnartscentre.com




Carers Plus Yorkshire Cuppa Club

A drop-in opportunity for carers to meet advisors from North Yorkshire Council Carers Plus Yorkshire in an informal atmosphere over a cup of tea or coffee and cake. The club is held on the first Thursday of each month from 10am to 12 Carers Plus Yorkshire Cuppa Club and is hosted by the centre. The aim is to provide a short break from the daily routine of caring and provide advice, support, and help if needed. Facilities for confidential chats and advice are available if required. For more information contact 01609 780872 or admin@carersplus.net




Spanish Conversation Group

This group has been meeting weekly for several years. They began with no teacher and little or no knowledge of Spanish, instead relying on a range of materials, text books and homework! They follow a variety of activities where all are involved and able to take part each week, where they meet at the centre on Mondays from 9:30 to 10:20am. Grammar is included as well as speaking and listening activities. We are very proud of what we have achieved and always enjoy our weekly get together. They enjoy their weekly get together and often get side-tracked onto other subjects! They enjoy Tapas lunches too. For more information please visit the Leyburn u3a website using the following link www.u3asites.org.uk/leyburn/

book club



Book Club

The club meet on the second Wednesday of each month from 2.30 to 3:30 pm. Why not join this friendly group, just £1.50 per get together. For more information please contact the centre, see details at the bottom of this page. Book choices: Aug - The Marriage Portrait [Maggie O’Farrell], Sept - The Dark Room [Rachel Seiffert], Oct - Tom Lake [Ann Patchett], Nov - 3 Hours [Rosamund Lupton], Dec - The Country Girls [Edna O’Brien ], Jan - The Midnight News [Jo Baker], Feb - The Whalebone Theatre [Joanna Quinn], Mar - The Chilbury Ladies Choir [ Jennifer Ryan]

book club



Library Book Club

The club meet at 6pm on the third Tuesday of each month (except August) and welcomes new members. For more information please email the organiser at carolyn@h2ouse.me.uk




Leyburn & District u3a

Offering a friendly, fun way to learn new things and share your skills with others. For more information please see the u3a website, using the following link www.u3asites.org.uk/leyburn/, or attend the monthly meeting held at the centre on the 3rd Friday of each month at 10am




Current Affairs Group

This discussion group meets between 2.00pm and 4.00pm on the 1st Friday of every month (except August) at the centre. Topics for open discussion are brought to the table, which are selected from suggestions made at the end of the previous session by those in attendance. The object is for all to have their views voiced once the topic has been presented, by the person who volunteered to do their own research on the subject. To enable a variety of views to be voiced, the more in attendance the better and new members would be assured of a warm welcome. For more information please see the u3a website using the following link www.u3asites.org.uk/leyburn/




History of Ancient Greece

The culture developed by the Ancient Greeks has had a profound influence on the development of our modern world. This very interesting course and series of discussions will help you understand the origins of many of the features of our modem way of life. Weekly on Friday 10am -12 (excluding 3rd Friday of each month). For more information please see the u3a website using the following link www.u3asites.org.uk/leyburn/




Technology Group

The group meets on the third Monday of every month from 2pm to 4. The aim is to help people with problems they may have with their laptop, iPad, iPhone, Android tablet or Android phone. This could be setting up, sending emails and attachments, creating folders, using WhatsApp, managing photos, backing things up, internet shopping, using FaceTime, Skype or WhatsApp video calls, installing apps, security, software such as Microsoft Office to mention just a few. For more information please see the u3a website using the following link www.u3asites.org.uk/leyburn/




Absolute Beginners Spanish

A short course for those who have little or no knowledge of Spanish. They meet at the centre on a Thursday afternoon. For more information please see the u3a website using the following link www.u3asites.org.uk/leyburn/

walking club



Walking Group

The Group meets at the centre every Wednesday ready for a prompt 10am departure. But it doesn't end there because afterwards the Group gets together over coffee/tea for an informal chat in the Cafe Bar. £2 donation welcomed. Sorry but no accompanying dogs.

adult ballet



Dales Dance School of Performing Arts

Adult Ballet classes at the centre include mindfulness and mental well-being, with beautiful music and supportive teaching whilst improving posture, strength, balance and flexibility. Classes are taught by Janet Seymour, a licensed Silver Swans instructor with the Royal Academy of Dance and over 40 years of ballet teaching experience. For more information or enquiry contact details, please see Hannah's website using the following link www.dalesdance.com/




Dales Dance School of Performing Arts

Adult Tap sessions allow you to enjoy a new social scene with our relaxed and fun-filled classes held at the centre promoting musicality, balance, coordination and a different kind of mental work-out. There are two levels of class, Improvers and Intermediates, catering for students returning to dance or beginning to embark on their dancing adventure. For more information or enquiry contact details, please see Hannah's website using the following link www.dalesdance.com/

tai chi



Dales Taiji

Two classes of this very popular activity run every Monday at the centre. Taiji (Tai Chi) consists of gentle sets of exercises from China that improve flexibility and balance, strengthen bones and muscles, relive stress and anxiety and improve focus and concentration. To book a place please contact Jennifer by email to jennifer@dalestaiji.uk or call 07731 471413.

keep moving



Keep on Moving

An exercise group that meets each Wednesday at 2:15pm and focuses on light exercise routines to improver your balance and general level of fitness and well-being. The group is very informal and ends with a cup of tee or coffee and a chat. For more information please contact the centre, see details at the bottom of this page.

sequence dancing



Sequence Dancing

Enjoy an evening of dancing by joining this group, which is designed to be suitable for beginners, those with a little dancing experience or those who have previously done ballroom dancing. The sessions are held at the centre every Wednesday at 7pm to 9, and cover the most popular sequence dances. This friendly and welcoming group session ends with a cup of tea or coffee and lots of chat. For more information please contact the centre, see details at the bottom of this page.




Ukulele Group

A happy learning group who play for enjoyment and meet on Mondays at 2pm. The ukulele is a fun instrument and is reasonably easy to learn. You can borrow a ukulele to see if you like it! For more information please see the u3a website using the following link www.u3asites.org.uk/leyburn/





The club meets at 10.00am on the first and third Tuesday of each month and welcome retired or semi-retired men and women who enjoy listening to talks covering a vast range of topics in a friendly welcoming social atmosphere. Interested? To obtain more information telephone the Secretary on 01677 450422 or email davidlawrenson22@gmail.com.

rotary club



Wensleydale Rotary Club

The club meet regularly at the centre with a very varied and interesting programme of activities. For more information visit www.wensleydalerotaryclub.com or email to secretary@wensleydale.rotary1040.org.

tuesday club



Tuesday Club

A social get-together providing an opportunity for people to meet, enjoy refreshments and a chat, and be involved in wellbeing, informative and entertaining activities. The group meet every 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month, from 1pm to 4. Light refreshments on arrival and ending with a cup of tea and cake. If you would like to join for the first time you must book in advance by phone or email, see the centre's contact details at the bottom of this page.

lunch club



Lunch Club

A place for people to have a two-course lunch followed by coffee and a chat in a friendly atmosphere, every 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month, from 12:30pm to 2. If you would like to join for the first time you must book in advance by phone or email, see the centre's contact details at the bottom of this page.

knit n natter



Knit 'n' Natter

The Group meet at the centre every two weeks from 7pm to 9pm. This friendly and informal group welcomes newcomers. For more information please contact the centre, see details at the bottom of this page.

community shed



Community Shed

Almost there! Meanwhile, see the COMMUNITY SHED page




Gardening Group

Our volunteer gardeners created a lovely quiet garden where users of the centre can sit and read or simply relax and chat with friends. Come along to enjoy or even join the group, there is always work to be done, including the planning for expanding the garden facilities. For more information please contact the centre, see details at the bottom of this page.